If you think you’re ready to build your own houseboat, or if you just want to get some ideas on house-boat building or even boat building, try studying these free houseboat plans i’ve found on the web. some of the houseboat plans can be downloaded, but some open very slowly. also, i’ve included some sites that have great information on boat building and boat building materials and plans.. Economic considerations are another advantage of constructing a boat by self-compared to purchasing a new one or customizing a houseboat houseboat plans and kits. efficiently using the space is an important aspect of any plan it is especially imperative in such a project where small living areas have to be built.. The houseboat shown below is of the scow design, 6 ft. wide by 20 ft. long, with the cabin extending beyond the scow 1 ft. on each side. the scow tapers up at the forward end and is protected with a heavy sheet-iron plate so that the craft may be snubbed up on sandbars without danger of springing a leak, even though a submerged log be struck while running at full speed..
“boat building is one of the few pursuits where utilization of the end product is as rewarding as its construction.” marc bourassa, wilmington, ma (built the power skiff and 2 kidyaks) with glen-l proven plans & kits, building your own boat can be a reality.. Now you can buy plans for this adorable (and super functional) micro houseboat. by snugshack floating, mobile, at the bottom you can watch a video of the house boat being launched – just like a regular boat! to buy plans for this houseboat, visit roy’s website and send him an email. plans are $230 at the time of writing.. An extremely simple houseboat to build, the free boat plans feature a strong hull with a heavy keel and close-spaced framing. this, coupled with a relatively low profile, makes it a very stable craft..